We designed WikiLibrary with the standard features you really have to have to automate your collection. Every attempt has been made to create an easy to learn and use system, yet still following the best industry standard practices for automating a collection.
Import, create, edit, search and export full MARC catalog records. Quickly catalog using remote public resources. Book jacket images can appear with records. Easily print barcode labels and spine labels.
Import patrons from a file or hand enter them. Add patron images. Quickly review what patrons have checkout out, overdue or fines they owe.
Setup circulation policies for loan period or fix due date, fines per day, maximum checkouts and overdues. Check out, renew and check in by barcode numbers or by patron names and titles.
Easily display all items checked out, overdue and fines owed. Click on records to check items in and clear optional fines.
Print barcode labels and spine labels on inexpensive label stock you can purchase from most office supply stores.
WikiLibrary displays important activity in graphics and summary listings, including number of items cataloged, checked out, checked in and deleted.
US Dollars / Billed Annually
US Dollars / Billed Annually
The librarians on the committee could not believe that we were able to use scanners, print labels, index with MARC records, and have access to all of this online!”
This is the system that totally answers and fulfills our needs.”
Whether your organization is a school library or a collection in a classroom, WikiLibrary can help you manage like a pro. What good is a system if it costs as much as your book budget?
You have lots of stuff to keep track of before it wanders off. WikiLibrary is just the solution you need to keep it under control. Put a barcode on it, check it out and an email will be sent to remind them to return it. It might just come back.
WikiLibrary can handle your academic collection in a serious and standards based approach.
You're a public library with a limited budget and you need something that works and uses best industry standards.
Whether you're organizing a hospital, museum, or other special collection, WikiLibrary might just fit the bill for you.`
You have a big personal library and what to organize the right way. Wikilibrary is perfect for you.